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Two UCC Mature Students Awarded Uversity Scholarships

1 Oct 2020
Uversity Scholars 2020

Megan Buckley and Lisa de Klerk have been awarded Higher Education Scholarships for Adult Learners from Registered Charity Uversity to pursue Bachelor’s Degrees at University College Cork. Uversity has offered 41 Scholarships to adult learners to commence Bachelor’s Degrees at twenty-one different higher education institutions on the island of Ireland in the 2020/21 academic year. Profiles of all Uversity Scholars can be found here.

 Uversity’s scholarships are intended to remove financial barriers so adult learners can unlock their potential and realise their ambitions. Uversity’s scholarships provide multi-annual financial support for recipients to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree for the first time in participating third level institutions in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. Scholarships can be in any subject area and are tailored to recipients’ financial circumstances to cover the costs associated with higher education.

 Successful candidates must be able to demonstrate academic potential, a clear motivation and ambition for returning to education, a drive to succeed, strong work ethic and financial need. Uversity is particularly keen to support candidates who have an ability to be transformed and transform others as a result of this scholarship and educational experience.

In welcoming the 2020/21 Scholars, Uversity’s Interim Chair Brian O’Sullivan remarked, “We’re really delighted in this difficult year to have found 41 individuals with the drive and the ambition to take the courageous step to change course and attend university having not had that opportunity at an earlier stage. Uversity scholars demonstrate huge potential to be successful in their chosen fields of study. They have a vision for how to apply their degrees to advance.”

Speaking about this year’s Scholarships and virtual events planned for Uversity Scholars, Uversity’s Chief Executive Officer, Colleen Dube said, “Uversity’s scholarship programme is continuously evolving and adapting. This year we received close to 650 applications and are astounded by the ambition and determination of the candidates to pursue their Degrees in spite of the challenges posed by COVID. Uversity is committed to providing our Scholars with financial as well as professional and personal development support. The virtual fora that we have initiated for our new and existing Scholars will provide an invaluable opportunity to create community and camaraderie in a time of uncertainty.”



Megan Buckley
University College Cork
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours), Social Science

Having started as an apprentice ten years ago, Megan worked her way up to manager of a florist in Cork City. She also taught floristry on adult education courses, in community centres and primary schools in disadvantaged areas. Over the years she has realised her passion is working with people which led her to research and apply for a Social Science degree. She is particularly interested in using her degree and creative skills in prison or rehabilitation services to change a person’s outlook on life.


Lisa de Klerk
University College Cork
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

In preparation for her degree, Lisa completed a Level 5 Healthcare Support Course and most recently a Level 5 Applied Psychology and Social Studies at Cork College of Commerce. During the 2019/20 course she was nominated by her peers as one of the class representatives and selected by her teachers to attend the Leadership and Entrepreneurs workshop at the Entrepreneurs Academy in November 2019. Her life experience, personal attributes, along with the knowledge and skills that will come from the degree will allow Lisa to make a positive contribution and offer support to her community in the future.

For more on this story contact:

Colleen Dube, CEO M: 087 905 1222 || E:

Registered address is: IFSC House | Custom House Quay | Dublin D01 R2P9 |

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
